EBOOK GIVEAWAY: Hands-On Microservices with C# 8 and .NET Core 3

Are you ready to win an eBook copy of our new book from Packt? We're giving away ten free eBook copies of our new book! My co-author Gaurav Aroraa and I recently finished our book:

You can find the book here:

First, I want to thank Gaurav (a Microsoft MVP award winner) for bringing me in on this book. It's been a lot of fun to work with him and with Packt on the book. This is Gaurav's third run on this topic, including a version on .NET Core 2.0 (which I wrote the foreword for) and the original release of .NET Core (which I also wrote the foreword for). Both are also from Packt. While I'm linking to my co-author's books, you should also check out his recent related Packt book, Hands-On Design Patterns with C# and .NET Core. That book was co-written by another member of our blog team, Jeffrey Chilberto (check out his recent hit Azure on the Cheap blog post). That "Design Patterns" book also includes forewords by Microsoft legend Scott Hanselman and Azure MVP Stephane Eyskens (another contributor to this blog... see his Azure Architecture Walkthrough and his most recent Azure Architecture Map).

Anyway, I'm super excited to have this new "Hands-On Microservices" book published with Gaurav and Packt...

474 pages
14 hours 13 minutes (leave a comment about how accurate this is)

Learn the essential concepts, techniques, and design patterns that will help you build scalable and maintainable distributed systems.

You'll start by learning the concept of microservices and their fundamental characteristics. This microservices book will then introduce a real-world app built as a monolith, currently struggling under increased demand and complexity, and guide you in its transition to microservices using the latest features of C# 8 and .NET Core 3. 

This book includes a stellar foreword by Microsoft legend, Scott Hanselman!

This book was also Technical Reviewed by Andreas Helland, another member of this blog (see his COVID-19 Downtime blog post and "Sign-In with Apple" for  Azure AD B2C). I interviewed Andreas back in 2017.


Now let's get to it! You can win one of ten eBooks that we're giving away.

Take the survey to enter the contest:

The first two questions (your name and email) are required to enter the contest.

The next three questions are not required, but they are part of the contest:
  • We'll give two free eBooks to our favorite answerers to the third question: If we were to make another edition of this Hands-On Microservices book, what would you want to see in it?
  • We'll give two free eBooks to our favorite answerers to the fourth question: What book about Azure would be the most valuable right now? Why?
  • We'll give two free eBooks to our favorite answerers to the fifth/last question: What is the biggest problem, and/or the best thing about Microsoft Online Docs?

And then we'll give the final four free eBooks to four random people who filled out the survey!

Some details about this contest: 
  1. The judges for Questions #3-5 will be Gaurav, myself, our technical reviewer (Andreas Helland), and a Packt representative. 
  2. For the last four books, we'll use a random-number generator to select the winner.
  3. Each person only gets one shot. 
  4. Nobody will win more than one eBook. Which means we'll select the six winners of the answers first and remove them from the random selection. As each randomly selected winner is picked, they are also removed from the running for the next selection. 
  5. This contest ends at end of the day, May 29, 2020.
We'll be back each week until then, with a new blog post, to remind you about this contest! =^)

Thank you for your interest and/or contributions in the Microsoft Azure development community! 

Remember to keep your distance, your hands clean, your feet on the ground, and your head in the Cloud,

   - Ninja Ed


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