
Ed Price Bibliography

Bibliography Last Updated :  9/10/24 This page lists Ed Price's bibliography. It will expand over time. The sections are divided into different parts: Other bibliography profiles include Amazon and Packt . Books  (printed books and commissioned eBooks, any roles) Author  (books, ebooks, & whitepapers) Editor/Reviewer  (books, ebooks, whitepapers, and official online articles) Publisher  (leading a team of authors, editors (development, copy, production), illustrators, and technical reviewers) Social Media Author  (online articles that Ed authored on blogs and TechNet Wiki)--each section lists the items chronologically, with the most recent contribution at the top   Books Ed has held a role in publishing 25 books: He  co-authored 7 books ,  wrote 11 forewords , tech-reviewed 5 books, and tech-edited 2 books. This list includes all roles; listing printed books and commissioned eBooks: * These are key books that Ed co-authored. Publisher Title Role Published Packt Kubernetes – An